- Start a New Case
- Add Patient’s Name
- Click OK
- On the dental model located on the left-hand side of the screen, select the applicable tooth numbers one at a time.
- After selecting the tooth, in the middle of the screen, choose Crown
- From the dropdown list titled “Implant-based?” select Stock or Custom Abutment
- A new box will appear - click this box and enter the implant information. (Brand, Connection, and Platform Size)
- Click OK
- Select the desired crown material and shade from the dropdown list
- Repeat for each restoration site
- Once each implant is selected, select New Scan in the top right corner
- Follow the scanning flow noted in the top center of the page
- For arches where implants will be present, the pre-op scan will capture the emergence profile.
- Take the bite scans prior to placing the scanbody/scanbodies
- After completing the pre-op scan(s) for the treatment arch(es), place your scanbody/scanbodies.
- When you select the scanbody scan page in the top center of the page, the scan will appear in black & white at first
- On the left hand side of the page, select the icon that has a pushpin and a plus sign. This is the Mark Tooth button
- Drag and hold your cursor on the restoration site(s) - they will turn green.
- On the left hand side of the page, select the scissor icon. This will trim out the data previously selected to prime the scan for new information containing the scanbody/scanbodies
- Scan in only the restoration site(s) with the scanbody/scanbodies present
- When finished scanning, click Finish in the top center of the screen
- This will finalize your scan
- Click Send Order
- The Dandy lab slip will populate on your screen - fill out the prescription.
- Click Send when finished
Alliedstar Implants Workflow

Jon M, DDS