- Start a New Case
- Add Patient’s Name
- Click OK
- Click Add Memo button on the top right - type ‘full denture’ in the text box and click Save
- Click New Scan
- In the bottom left corner, ensure the Soft Tissue filter has the left option selected (picture of tooth with the most tissue)
- This will ensure all soft tissue is captured in the scan
- In the top center of the page, select the edit button (pencil) and add pre-op scans for any edentulous arches you will be scanning.
- I.e. - if the patient has no reference denture for their edentulous lower arch, add a lower arch pre-op scan to the flow
- If the patient has reference dentures - no need to add a pre-op scan
- I.e. - if the patient has no reference denture for their edentulous lower arch, add a lower arch pre-op scan to the flow
- Follow the scanning flow (lower, upper, bite)
- Tips:
- For bite scans, reinsert the patient’s denture(s) and scan intraorally
- If the patient is dually edentulous, no bite scan is required
- Include retromolar pads, the palate, and tuberosities in scans
- For reference dentures or wax rims, scan extraorally - taking a 360 scan of the denture(s) or wax rim(s)
- Tips:
- When finished scanning, click Finish in the top center of the screen
- This will finalize your scan
- Click Send
- The Dandy lab slip will populate on your screen - fill out the prescription.