The following workflow applies to patients receiving an immediate denture following the extraction of all of their dentition on one / both arches.
Patient Selection Criteria
- Can establish a VDO and/or bite with current dentition
- Requires a complete denture immediately post-extraction
If your patient requires the use of a wax rim to establish an accurate VDO and/or bite, please follow the appropriate workflow article based on the software program you are using:
Scanning Best Practices
The outline below is a step-by-step appointment guide for our immediate denture workflow. Please ensure to review our scanning guides before proceeding:
Patient Scans
- On the scan page, select “Lower”.
- Start scanning from the retromolar area (as far back as possible), focusing on the lingual aspect of the ridge, and proceed towards the midline.
- At midline, move back towards the retromolar area focusing on the buccal. Stop the scanner after one side is fully captured and allow the scanner to process.
- Remove any accumulated saliva in patient’s mouth.
- Restart scanning from the midline and proceed towards the opposite retromolar area, again focusing on the lingual aspect of the ridge.
- Get as far back as possible.
- Come back around on the buccal aspect of the ridge, and pause at midline.
- Inspect the scan and trim any unwanted parts (i.e. gloves, excess layers, etc.).
- Scan again if any area is missing data.
- Select “Upper”.
- Start from the tuberosity area of one side and proceed along the lingual towards the opposite side, capturing as far back as possible.
- Come back to midline and scan the palate using side to side movements. Pause scanner & let the scanner process.
- Proceed to buccal starting on the back of one side towards the midline, pause after capture one side.
- Resume at midline and scan other side.
- Similar to before, trim any excess and re-scan any missing data.
- Capture the bite using the existing dentition, allowing for the software to line up the upper and lower jaws (listen for the confirmation sound).
Patient Photos (Highly Recommended)
- A head-on photo with the patient smiling naturally.
- 2 profile pictures (1 from each side) with the patient smiling naturally.
- [If possible] A head-on photo of the patient with cheek retractors in place.
Deliver Immediate Denture
- Complete necessary extractions
- Deliver the final immediate complete denture