The following article will walk you through how to set up a new crown case and send the order to Dandy.
Step 1: Select 'New Scan'
Fill out your patient's first and last name, date of birth, and gender.
Step 2: Make selections for the order type
For ‘Procedure’ select 'Fixed Restorative' and For 'Type' select 'Bridge.'
You may select the teeth directly in the diagram and skip the 'type' selection. Specify the span of the bridge by clicking each tooth and indicating which are abutments and which are pontics. Then select the material, shade, and include any other specifications.
In the send to field be sure to select Dandy as your lab.
Step 3: Proceed to the scanning page
Click on the scanner in the ribbon on the top of your screen.
Step 4: Scan the prep site first
Center the prep within the viewfinder crosshair. Begin scanning with an occlusal view of the prep to visualize the margin. Roll from the lingual to the buccal of the prep. Roll from the distal to the mesial of the prep. Immediately review and fill any significant voids.
Step 5: Scan the lower and upper arch
The arch to begin scanning will be highlighted by the blue outline.
Follow an occlusal > lingual > buccal scan path.
Step 6: Capture the bite
Use swooping motions from the posterior to the canine, including 2 - 3mm of gingiva. Do this on the left and right side.
After the bite is obtained you will see a purple overlay on both sides indicating the bite is articulated.
Step 7: Process the scans
Select the magnifine glass from the ribbon at the top of your screen.
Review the scans before proceeding.
Step 8: Submit the case
Click the mail icon and select 'send' when you see the pop up.