The following article will walk you through how to set up a new sleep apnea case and send the order to Dandy.
Step 1: Select 'New Scan'
Fill out your patient's first and last name, date of birth, and gender.
Step 2: Make selections for the order type
For ‘Procedure’ select ‘Appliance’ and for ‘Type’ select ‘Apnea/Sleep Appliance.’
In the send to field be sure to select Dandy as your lab.
Turn the ‘Multi-Bite’ toggle on.
Step 3: Proceed to the scanning page
Click on the scanner in the ribbon on the top of your screen.
The arch to begin scanning will be highlighted by the blue outline.
Step 4: Scan the lower and upper arch
Follow an occlusal > lingual > buccal scan path.
Step 5: Capture the bite
You will see a 1 on the bite icon. This will be the first bite obtained in this scan. Scan the patient while biting in centric occlusion on the left and right side.
For the second scan, you want to ensure your patient has a protrusive bite. Scan the left and right side.
Step 6: Process the scans
Select the magnifine glass from the ribbon at the top of your screen.
Step 7: Submit the case
Click the mail icon and select 'send' when you see the pop up.
Step 8: Fill out the Dandy Rx
It will take a few seconds, and then the Dandy Rx will pop up. The patient's information will copy over; just make sure to select the delivery address. Click 'Next' and you will be guided through the Dandy RX. Make all the required selections and add any extras. Once you select 'Place order' you will receive an expected delivery date.