Follow the steps below when Unite does not allow you to proceed to the scanning pages after completing the case setup. The below image shows Unite when the scan pages are not populating:
Step 1 - Ensure complete case setup
- Select a specific restoration or 'Scan Only'
Step 2 - Scan tab should appear
- After a case setup is complete the scan tab should appear. If it does not, proceed to step 3.
Step 3 - Return to the Home Page
Step 4 - Edit the patient name for the case
If the patient's name has any spaces before or after the first or last name, this issue will occur. Delete any extra spacing in the patient's first and last name fields.
Step 5 - Scan pages should now appear
The scan pages in Unite will not appear if the patient name has formatting issues or if the case setup is not fully complete.
If you are still unable to access the scan pages after theses troubleshooting steps, please reach out to our support team by following Contact Us.