How to take Clinical Photos for Your Aligner Case

Photos should be captured prior to placing your aligners order. In the following video and outline, we provide you with guidance on how to take the eight clinical photos you need for your case. 

Extraoral Photos

Begin with a blank background, either black or white

Portrait - Not Smiling

  • Ask the patient to look directly at the camera without smiling.
  • Take the photo.

Portrait - Smiling

  • Ask the patient to smile where we can see lots of teeth.
  • Take the photo.

Profile - Not Smiling

  • Ask the patient to turn to their left side and don't smile.
  • Take the photo.

Intraoral Photos

Front Bite - Head-on 

  1. Ask the patient to open their mouth wide and place the cheek retractors in
  2. Ask the patient or your assistant to hold the cheek retractors
  3. Ask the patient to bite down and turn slightly towards you
  4. Take the photo

Right Bite 

  1. Place a cheek retractor on the patient's left side of the mouth
  2. Place the mirror on the patient's right side of the mouth
  3. Ask the patient to bite down
  4. Take the photo

Left Bite

  1. Place the cheek retractor on the patient's right side of the mouth
  2. Place the mirror on the patient's left side of the mouth
  3. Ask the patient to bite down
  4. Take the photo

Upper (Maxillary) Occlusal

  1. Have the assistant insert and move the retractors to hold open the patient's mouth from the top lip
  2. Ask the patient to open really big
  3. Place the mirror above the patient's tongue
  4. Take the photo

Lower (Mandibular) Occlusal

  1. Have the assistant insert and move the retractors to hold open the patient's mouth from the bottom lip
  2. Ask the patient to open really big
  3. Place the mirror below the patient's tongue
  4. Take the photo
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