Chairside Aligners Case Selection Guide

We've developed this guide to help practices identify profitable and predictable aligner cases and then estimate the length of treatment. We call this guide our Clear Aligners - "Rule of 3." 

To use this guide, review the treatment goals below and track how many apply to your potential case and where they fall on our predictability scale. 

  • Pro Tip: Measure total spaces or crowding with a perio probe. 

Treatment Goals 

Midline Discrepancy -Total (Max of 1.5 mm of shift per arch)

Will need IPR and sufficient overjet to shift midlines 

Overjet Reduction - Both Arches 

Will need IPR on the maxillary (upper) arch to reduce overjet 

Overbite - Both Arches 

Open Bite Reduction - Both Arches 

For anterior open bites, only 1-2 mm closure can be done with high predictability.

Anterior Spacing - Per Arch 

Anterior Crowding - Per Arch 

Crossbite - Per Teeth

Estimating Treatment Duration  

Now that you have collected the required information about your case use the following guides to estimate treatment length. 

  • Cases presenting 3 or less treatment goals depicted below can be completed in about 6-8 months.   Always give a range! 
  • Cases with 4 or more treatment goals depicted below, OR moderate anterior spacing/crowding up to 6mm, can be treated in about 12-14 months.


Below, we have outlined contraindications to look out for and consider for Clear Aligners Powered by Dandy cases. 

No Class III Cases

Mutilated Dentition 

Lack of posterior support and appropriate anchorage units, loss of vertical dimension, presence of fixed or removable prosthesis, endodontic involvement, and compromised periodontal condition all contribute to the complexity. To move anterior teeth, there needs to exist stable posterior teeth to be used for anchorage. Multiple bridges, restorations, or missing teeth contribute to a reduction in anchorage and, therefore, a less predictable outcome. 

Impacted Teeth

Impacted teeth could cause root resorption, require surgical intervention to expose and bring into the arch, or extraction with a compromise final occlusion. 

Transitional Dentition 

Children and adolescents in transitional dentition need special consideration for eruption timing and facial growth. Lack of posterior anchorage during the transition, newly erupting anterior or posterior teeth, ectopic eruptions, and eruption cysts contribute to the complexity. 

Ectopic teeth

These teeth require special auxiliaries, extractions, and periodontal conditions to manage appropriately.

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